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Established in 2008, the Rural Water Authority of Douglas County (RWADC)  provides a collective voice for rural water users in unincorporated Douglas County. Prior to this, rural well owners were not meaningfully represented on the unique and vital issues of the nonrenewable Denver Basin groundwater resources on which they depend.

The RWADC works to help provide an adequate, sustainable and reliable water supply for over 8,000 individual rural water users and 14 small water districts in unincorporated Douglas County. We are a nonprofit entity managed by a volunteer Board of Directors and are funded through donations. RWADC does not currently receive County or State financial support. RWADC is dedicated to assisting rural water users and providers in maximizing the life of our nonrenewable groundwater by the collection of data and through policy recommendations to its members and the Board of Douglas County Commissioners. Each Director represents either one of the County’s five rural water districts or one of three small water districts, shown on the map, and resides in that respective district. Special districts providing water services to large population areas are outside of our service area.